Transposition from one language to another in writing. Translation of words, texts, letters, articles, magazines, books, CVs, tutorials… from Spanish, Portuguese and English to French. Beyond grammar, spelling and conjugation, each translation takes into account case, punctuation and localization (adapt currencies, units of measurement… to different countries). I also do post-editing (adaptation of a translation performed by a machine) as well as linguistic sign-off or LSO (proofreading of the final document which includes the verification of the layout).
Switching from an audio / oral to a written: meeting minutes, subtitles, audio recordings…
Text verification: consistency with the source text, grammar, spelling, conjugation, syntax, punctuation, case… Every detail counts!
Is done simultaneously or consecutively (note taking and explanations later). The goal is to translate in real time to avoid misunderstanding during your steps such as buying a house, creating a business…
Rates vary depending on the number of words or pages, type of document, working time… Do not hesitate to ask for a quote.